Playtesting and Feedback

In these times of quarantine, the only way for me to get quick playtests going is to ask my brother to do a play-through of the game. While it would be ideal to get several other voices involved for feedback, this is the best I could do given time restraints. That being said he had good feedback and had a solid sense of what is going right and what is going wrong.

The playtest of the final product was constructive, but also a bit predictable, given there is still a small list of additions I would like to add to the game. These things include debugging audio triggers, specifically the shoot sound, which can throw off the player’s perception of when shooting is on cooldown or not, because there is not a cooldown on the sound itself. The other thing he mentioned that I would also like to include is a fade-to-black for each scene transition. As it is, loading from one level to the next is very abrupt and jagged, due to there being no warning and the fact any remaining enemy gets despawned.

In context of game balance, I would ask if the game is a bit too hard and he said ‘no’, but I could not tell if that response was out of stubbornness or not. If I had more feedback, I would be able to more easily gauge difficulty for new players.

Screenshot from playtest

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